Our Services

We provide more than just quality services

We are committed to providing excellent customer service and high quality glasswork to all customers, regardless of project size. Bring us your creative ideas and let’s work together!


White Mountain Glass combines expert product knowledge with efficient, reliable, and detail-oriented services for your commercial project.


Whether the job is replacement or a new installation we can handle it. Or maybe you have an idea you have been dreaming of, we can make it come to fruition.

Auto Services

We provide expert windshield replacement, and windshield repair services for cars and trucks of all types.

Emergency Services

If you have experienced a break-in or robbery in your home or place of business, please contact us and we will do our best to service your needs as quickly as possible.


3 Steps

Our process to get your project from start to finish.


We Visit
Your Home/Business

We will discuss your needs, take measurements, ask you questions and start the actual process with you.

We go over glass/materials options to determine which product to use for your situation. We only use the highest quality materials


Scheduling of delivery of materials and installation. Your time is important to us and we strive to commit to and meet all deadlines.

Mother nature and emergencies are part of life and we will promptly communicate any changes to the schedule.

Final walk through

Our expert team of installers will complete your project, clean the job site, do a walk through with you.

Your satisfaction is important to us and we will make sure everything is exactly as you wished.